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Going Solar
5 min read

Harnessing the Sun: How Scottsdale Homeowners Can Benefit from Solar Energy

Discover how Scottsdale homeowners can harness the abundant sunshine for solar energy benefits, including cost savings, increased property values, and environmental impact, with local incentives from the Arizona Solar Program making it an ideal investment for a sustainable future.
Written by
Omni Power
Published on
August 30, 2019

In the heart of Arizona, Scottsdale shines not only for its vibrant lifestyle but also for its abundant sunshine. This natural resource, harnessed through solar energy, is a game-changer for homeowners in the region. With the growing interest in sustainable living and the advent of the Arizona Solar Program, Scottsdale's residents are uniquely positioned to reap the benefits of solar power. This article delves into the numerous advantages that solar energy brings to Scottsdale, highlighting the impact of local incentives, the enhancement of property values, and the overall appeal of solar installation in this sun-drenched locale.

Why Solar Energy in Scottsdale?

Scottsdale, known for its high number of sunny days, offers an ideal environment for solar energy production. This city, basking in more than 300 days of sunshine annually, stands as a prime candidate for harnessing solar power. The transition to solar energy not only aligns with global sustainability goals but also presents a practical, cost-effective solution for homeowners.

The Advantages of Solar Energy

Cost Savings

One of the primary benefits of switching to solar energy in Scottsdale is the significant cost savings on energy bills. Solar panels effectively convert sunlight into electricity, reducing dependence on traditional power sources. Over time, the initial investment in solar installation is offset by these savings, making it a financially savvy choice for homeowners.

Omni Power Arizona Solar Program Incentives

Our Arizona Solar Program offers various incentives that make solar installations more affordable and appealing. These incentives include tax credits, rebates, and solar renewable energy credits (SRECs), which collectively lower the cost of going solar. By taking advantage of these local incentives, Scottsdale homeowners can significantly reduce the upfront costs associated with solar panel installations.

Increase in Property Values

Investing in solar installation can also enhance the value of your property. Homes equipped with solar energy systems are often appraised higher than their non-solar counterparts. This increase in property value is a compelling reason for Scottsdale homeowners to consider solar energy, making their homes not only more energy-efficient but also more valuable in the real estate market.

Environmental Impact

Adopting solar energy goes a long way in reducing the carbon footprint. By using a clean, renewable energy source, homeowners in Scottsdale contribute to a healthier environment. This shift is crucial in combating climate change and promoting sustainability, aligning with the broader goals of environmental stewardship.

Navigating the Solar Installation Process in Scottsdale

Embarking on the journey of solar installation can seem daunting, but it's made simpler with the right guidance and expertise. Here are some steps to consider:

  1. Assessment and Consultation: Engage with a reputable Scottsdale solar installation company like Omni Power to assess your home's suitability for solar panels. This includes analyzing your home's orientation, roof condition, and energy needs.
  2. Design and Planning: Once your home is deemed suitable, the solar company will design a solar system tailored to your specific requirements. This step ensures maximum efficiency and energy production.
  3. Installation and Setup: Professional installers will handle the installation process, ensuring that everything is set up correctly and safely. This phase also includes connecting your solar system to the grid, if applicable.
  4. Maintenance and Monitoring: Post-installation, it’s important to maintain and monitor your solar system to ensure it operates at peak efficiency. Many solar companies offer maintenance services and monitoring tools to help with this.


For Scottsdale homeowners, the transition to solar energy is not just a trend but a wise investment in the future. With the advantages of cost savings, local incentives, increased property values, and environmental benefits, solar energy stands out as a sustainable and profitable choice. Embracing Scottsdale solar is more than just harnessing the sun; it's about being part of a brighter, greener future.

Solar energy in Scottsdale is an opportunity that homeowners should earnestly consider. With the Arizona Solar Program facilitating this shift and the technological advancements in solar installation, there has never been a better time to make the switch. Harness the power of the sun, and let solar energy illuminate your path to a sustainable and prosperous future.

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Reach out to our friendly team for additional questions about going solar and the benefits it can provide for you and your home!
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